Basic Info

Nicknames : Ollie

Gender : Female

Species : Domestic Dog; Australian Shepherd

Mate : None

Children : None

Siblings : None

Parents : Unknown

Friends : None

Reference Sheet : (x)


Secretive, secluded. She tends to stay away from others. She has lost so many people that matter in her life that she's afraid to befriend anyone because of the risk of losing them. She is also pretty angry inside, so most stay away from her too. To the friends she once had she was amazing loyal and kind, but sometimes defended them a bit too much. Her friends and family's lives were always more important then her own life to her. As if by cruel fate, she was the last one left after they were all killed though.  

 I need another story, something to get off my chest. My life gets kind of boring, need something that I can confess. Till all my sleeves are stained red, from all the truth that I've said,

Come by it honestly I swear



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Kamaliah - (x)

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